IFG 50/50 is an affordable home-based franchise that provides short-term working capital to small businesses by purchasing current, quality invoices at a discount, thus accelerating the client’s cash flow and growth.
The Interface Financial Group (IFG) has been in the Invoice Discounting business since 1972. Our new IFG 50/50 brand offers all the same great benefits of the Standard IFG franchise but with very significant enhancements, and a lower entry level!
In IFG 50/50, all transactions are syndicated 50/50 with the franchisee and the franchisor, and that means less working capital required to fund transactions; IFG does the bulk of the due diligence and the ‘paperwork’ for the transactions, and IFG 50/50 franchisees will concentrate their efforts on building the referral relationships – they do the ‘people work’. A very innovative Capital Leverage Program has also been introduced to allow franchisees to grow their capital even faster using ‘other people’s money’.
Through syndication – Interface effectively sharing the risk and reward with their franchisee – the franchisee gains access to the Interface underwriting and management expertise. That’s the IFG 50/50 approach – each party (Interface and the franchisee) contributes 50% of the capital. This in itself creates an above-average return for the franchisee.
When Interface then says to their franchisees, “You can now borrow up to 65% of your contribution”, that’s when the leverage takes over and the return on actual capital employed by the franchisee explodes.
Our IFG 50/50 franchisees are excellent communicators, relationship builders, with decision-making and problem-solving skills, and much more sales & marketing-oriented.
Investment Amount- $50,000